Thursday, October 31, 2019

THOMSON REUTERS CURRENT STRATEGIC REVIEW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

THOMSON REUTERS CURRENT STRATEGIC REVIEW - Essay Example The study analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company and also discusses on the strategic measurements of the company that has the led the company build up its value chain attracting and sustaining customers across the world. The major strategic options for the company could thus be determined from the study of this company as found to be essential strategic measures for the success of a business. Introduction: The Thomson Reuters organization was formed from two powerful brands- Reuters in Europe and Asia, and Thomson in US and Canada- and aims to present the professional markets across the world with Intelligent Information intended to generate Knowledge to Act. Thus the organization focuses to serve its customers across the world involving the established strengths of both these brands. Powering the market across the entire globe is the primary goal of the company. Thus the organization focuses on creating and maintaining simplicity, offer insight through autonomous information and substance to facilitate resolutions and are the reliable association between individuals, dealings and information. Innovation is the primary objective of the organization. The organization intends to deliver excellent service to its customers through its products and improve the reliability, stability and quality of the operations of the company (Thomson Reuters: Knowledge to Act n.d.). The performance of the company over the years has been recognized and rewarded by several publications and organizations across the globe. Considering the recent times, the company’s AlertNet Climate was chosen as an Official Honoree in the Green Category by the 16th Annual Webby Awards. The Technical Analyst Award for 2012 was also won by Thomson Reuters News Analytics. AlertNet received the recognition for the Best Designed Site and the Best Video Journalism was achieved by The Egyptian Revolution. The company had also been awarded for their charity functi ons. Their data and technology, law, and accounting were equally recognized and awarded in the recent times (Awards & Recognition 2013). Thus it can be observed that the company over the years has considered effective measures towards achieving its significant position in the industry as reflected through such awards and recognitions. When strategic review of an organization is concerned, it is referred to the understanding of the strategic measures of an organization enabling it to perform successfully in the long run. It is generally difficult for an organization to consider measures that would prove to be effective in the long run. Organizational strategies need to be considered as a continuous process for an organization to discuss measures among the organizational members for plans that would be executed in the short as well as in the long terms. This would essentially focus on the objectives of an organization that need to be achieved. The internal and external factors of an o rganization are largely responsible in affecting and influencing the organizational strategies. Also, the organizational culture is a significant factor that affects the strategies considered by an organization (Hodge 2012). The present study focuses on Thomson Reuters and considers a strategic review of the organization thus discussing about the current strategic

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Investigation of the carbonate - bicarbonate system Essay Example for Free

Investigation of the carbonate bicarbonate system Essay Alkalinity in this experiment can be defined as the measure of the pH buffering capacity in water (e. g. river water, sea water, lakes etc. ). This experiment was carried out using a prepared carbonate bicarbonate solution against hydrochloric acid (0. 1M HCl). Titration and pH indicator method was used to determine the equivalence point. The experiment also compares the titration and pH indicator method that is, looking at the option that will give a better approach in determining the equivalence point. Compared the digital and analogue pH meters that were used during the experiment by different groups. The experiment also aims at showing the importance of carbonate bicarbonate system in environmental chemistry as it affects the natural water system. INTRODUCTION In Nigeria, water pollution is a serious environmental issue as it relates to the oil industries in the Niger Delta region, this can be attributed but not limited to the continuous flaring of fossil fuel. This creates acid rain deposition thus reducing the buffering capacity of rivers and lakes. The major source of living and earning in this area is fishing, but the continuous flaring of gas has resulted in acid precipitation, which has affected fishing. When there is acid deposition, the pH of the water increases thereby making the water partially acidic, the drop in pH can harm and even kill some of the organisms inhabiting the water (Tope Akintola Jan 2004). The Nigerian government set up the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA), which issued, in 1988, a specific decree to protect, to restore and preserve the ecosystem. The decree also sets out water quality standards to protect public health and to enhance the quality of water (Enderlein et al). Although, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency did not have specific guidelines, the agency adopted the guideline for alkalinity by World Health Organisation in 1971. Parameter Permissible standard Issued by Alkalinity (mg/l) 200 600 WHO, 1971; FEPA, 1991 Alkalinity can be defined as that level that provides stable pH in rivers and lakes or simply put as withstanding a fall in pH. Stability is achieved through the neutralization of acids in an aqueous system. It should be noted that alkalinity in this experiment deals strictly with the acid base neutralization, whereas, pH is the concentration of the solution. When stability is achieved, alkalinity is said to buffer the solution. Buffering of an aqueous system is the equilibrium between the acid and base reaction, this is done when the hydrogen [H+] ion is either used up or donated so that the pH of the solution remains normal, that is, remains as the original pH of the system. In rivers, lakes and ocean, buffering involves the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbonic acid (H2CO3), bicarbonate (HCO3-), carbonate (CO3-2) and hydrogen [H+]. The reaction involved is thus; CO2 (aq) + H2O H2CO3 (aq) 1 H2CO3- (aq) H+ (aq) + HCO3-(aq) . 2 HCO3-(aq) H+ (aq) + CO3-2(aq).. 3 Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere dissolves into the solution and also achieves equilibrium as shown below; CO2 (g) CO2 (aq) 4 The carbonic acid formed (H2CO3 (aq) ) from equation (1) is neutralized by the addition of base to for equation (2). Continued addition of base (alkalinity) further removes the proton (H+) present to form the carbonate in equation (3). Buffering is achieved at this point, and equivalence points are noted as shown in the figures below (figures 1 2). Further addition of base now drives the equation back and carbon dioxide (CO2 (g)) is given off. Figure (1) points E and F indicate where the gas is given off. The experiment was carried out using the titration and pH indicator method to determine the equivalence points of equations (2) and (3), phenolphthalein and methyl orange were used as indicators. Phenolphthalein was added to determine the first equivalence point. The initial pH of the water sample was 9. 75; the addition of phenolphthalein thus induced a colour change. Phenolphthalein produces a colour change in water in the pH range 8. 3 10. The alkalinity measured at this point is the half carbonate that has been neutralized in the reaction. Half carbonate reaction; from equation (3) only one proton H+ is consumed during the neutralization, therefore, half carbonate reaction is simply the amount of hydrogen ion (which is one) consumed during the phenolphthalein indicator method. Methyl orange indicator method measures the buffering capacity of the neutralized solution. The bicarbonate (HCO3-) ion initially present with those produced during the half reaction is completely neutralized. Methyl orange produces a colour change at pH range 3. 5 4. 5. HCO3- + H+ H2O + CO2 Both methods is used to determine the total alkalinity of the reaction, thus, total alkalinity is the addition of the equivalence points of the reaction. Methodology The experiment was carried out in two parts, titration and pH indicator methods. Titration method (phenolphthalein indicator) 25ml of carbonate/bicarbonate mixture was pipette into a conical flask and two drops of phenolphthalein was added, the solution changed from colourless to pink. The mixture was then titrated against 0. 1M HCl until the pink colour changed to colourless. Table (1) shows the value that was obtained. (Methyl orange indicator) 25ml of carbonate/bicarbonate mixture was pipette into a conical flask and two drops of methyl orange was added, the solution changed from colourless to yellow. The mixture was then titrated against 0. 1M HCl until the yellow colour changed to pink. Table (1) shows the value that was obtained.pH indicator method 25ml of carbonate/bicarbonate mixture was pipette into a beaker and distilled water was added, the mixture was then titrated against 0. 1M HCl. A pH digital meter was introduced to measure the initial and subsequent changes in pH of solution. Table (2) shows the value that was obtained. Results The investigation of carbonate and bicarbonate in the water sample can first be described by the following reactions: (a) H2CO3 (aq) H+ (aq) + HCO3-(aq) (b) HCO3-(aq) H+ (aq) + CO3-2(aq) Various results were obtained during the titration and pH indicator methods. Table (1) shows the values obtained when 0. 1MHCl was titrated against the carbonate/bicarbonate mixture. Table (2) shows the values for the pH indicator method, table (3) shows the values for the derivative curve and table (4) shows the class result (raw data). The value obtained was then plotted on a graph to obtain various readings; the graphs would be explained later in the discussion. The plot on figure (1) shows the relationship between the pH and volume of 0. 1M HCl used. Figure (2) is the derivative curve, figures (3 4) is used to determine the equivalence points of the reactions.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Impact of Social Processes on Services and Users

Impact of Social Processes on Services and Users 3.2 Analyse how social processes impact on users of health and social care services The Social process can be defined as the pattern of social interaction that in turn has a changing effect on society over a set period of time (Bain, 2017). It plays a vital role in shaping society. Social processes can impact on users of health and social care service. Processes that lead to marginalisation, isolation and exclusion e.g poverty, unemployment, poor health, disablement, lack of education and other sources of disadvantage can have a negative impact on the demand for health and social care services. Social processes can also impact health and social care services in due to a variety of socio economic factors such family, community, peer groups, social class, values, attitudes, gender, income, expenditure, employment status, housing, media, cultural beliefs, discrimination, education and bullying. Family This refers to genetic relationships (blood ties) or by marriage. There are 4 types of families; extended: including mother father grandparents and other relatives, nuclear:Â   including only mother, father and children, reconstituted: similar to nuclear but not all children are biologically related to both parents and lone parent: a single parent with child. It is where our first emotional relationship takes place. It should be noted that a stressful family environment can influence negatively and affect self-confidence (Boundless, 2017). A warm and pleasant family atmosphere will allow for increased feeling of safety and comfort and therefore enhance confidence and creativity. Community This looks at how a grouped social order such as the local community can affect people. It includes places of religious worship, educational and recreational institutions. The community in which someone is brought up will influence their values, attitudes and beliefs. An individual brought up in a supportive community is likely do better than those that are isolated. Peer groups People of your own age also affect our development especially in the adolescent stage of life. Examples of peer group influences include smoking because most of a persons peers taking it up. If people hang around with negatively influential people it will influence negatively on their values, attitudes and beliefs. Peer groups can be a positive by influencing for example in political socialization (Boundless, 2017). Social class and employment Your occupation or your parents occupation determine your social class. People from the higher social class have enjoyed good health and lived longer on average than people of a lower social class (Ford et al, 2017). This may be because they earn more money and have a better living condition etc. low income individuals live in poor environment with more stress and crime. Income and expenditure Income comes from various sources such as from wages, benefit, sale of property, interest on savings and profit from business. People who live on very low income are typically lone-parents, unemployed, and elderly, sick or disables, unskilled workers. The economic resources that you or your family have make a lot of difference to the quality of life that people have (Ford et al., 2017). This is related to social class as the more income you have the more increased your social class will be; this is due to the increased ability to be self-sufficient. With increased income your expenditure can increase showing your increase in class. An example can be seen in buying an expensive car; by having an expensive car you are perceived to be wealthy and therefore is a sign of higher social class. Employment If you or your parents are out of work you may life on benefit which is low income. You will end up living in poor accommodation and settlements which will in turn affect your development (Ford et al., 2017). Housing When you have a high income you can take out a mortgage and buy a good house. And decide where you want to live. If you have a low income then you have less choice. Live in council estates or densely populated areas. These areas are associated with poor health, increased crime in the neighborhood, more noise from high density housing, stress from overcrowding and lack of privacy (Ford et al., 2017). Media Communities and families are influenced by the information and opinions communicated by the media. This include the newspapers, radio, TV internet, adverts magazines and poster. An example of positive influences can be from listening to debates and informative shows, these can encourage people to better question the world around them and fuel the hunger for knowledge which help them understand and improve their lives for the better. A negative influence could be in the watching of violent films and radicalization online or on TV this can be detrimental to the community resulting in more crime and fear amongst locals. Culture and beliefs A culture can be identified by distinct aspects of the language, self-presentation, religion, music, art, architecture, and literature. It is the collection of values beliefs customs and behaviors. Children learn the customs associated with their family culture during childhood. They later learn the culture of the local community and end up sharing the same beliefs about religion and other issues. but now with the use of internet and how multicultural the society is, people can choose to identify with any culture (Boundless, 2017). Discrimination When people are discriminated against because of their race, beliefs gender, religion, sexuality or mental ability, they lose confidence, have a low self-esteem, become isolated, depressed, anxious, and feel angry and frustrated. They will withdraw and be stressed. This will lead to a poor mental health. They will also feel vulnerable and unsafe. This is when an individual is harassed or oppressed or intimidated by other people. Discrimination may result in bullying and hence people who are bullied will experience the same consequences of discrimination. Education Schools from deprived areas are overcrowded and most of the time the children do not do well. This is opposite for schools in affluent areas where children have more learning opportunities. Hence where a child goes to school can also determine what they become in future (Boundless, 2017). Social Processes: In high dense population areas with low income, unemployment, poor health, disablement, lack of education and other sources has an impact of Socio Economic factors. On the other hand, areas with high income and less population do not suffer any anti-social problems. They are highly educated and earn good wages. They also live in big houses with less people. Health and social care services need to be attuned to the social processes of the area being able to cater to a diverse society addressing concepts including prejudice, interpersonal, institutional and structural discrimination, empowerment and anti-discriminatory practices. Social process can affect health and social care services through lifestyle factors. This is the way we choose to live our lives and spend our time and money. This can influence our development through nutrition and dietary choices, exercise, stress and substance abuse. Other factors that can influence development can be seen in the environment. These factors include; aaccess to leisure/recreational facilities, access to health and social care services, access to employment and income, aaccess to education and water and sanitation/pollution. References Bain, R. (2017). The Concept of Social Process. [online] Brocku. Available at: [Accessed 6 Feb. 2017]. Boundless. (2017). Family, Peers, Church, and School. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Feb. 2017]. Ford, S., Ford, S., Ford, S. and Stephenson, J. (2017). Social class and its influence on health. [online] Nursing Times. Available at: [Accessed 6 Feb. 2017].

Friday, October 25, 2019

Communication within groups Essay -- essays research papers

There are many different kinds of groups that exist between college students that deal with communication they range from sports teams to many community or social groups. The type of organizations that are mostly found in many colleges today are Greek letter organizations. In this paper I will exploring communication within the realm of sororities. First, I am going to start with the history of Sororities, then I am going to write about how important it communication is during what sororities call the pledge process. Furthermore I am going to tell about the different things that sororities have, such as the symbols, colors and different things that may deal with communication. Even though all sororities have different representations for their symbols and colors, they all have them and they mean certain things. Before sororities came about they only had fraternities which dated back the colonial times then later in the mid 19th century so rorities came about due to the decrease in popularity (Encarta). During that period, colleges focused almost exclusively on teaching the classics (Greek and Latin literature) and promoting religious piety, rather than liberal arts (science, history, and literature) or applications of learning such as engineering and agriculture. In response, students created their own outlets to debate the intellectual and political ideas of their time. The early debating societies took on names that reflected classical thinkers or ideas( Encarta). Until the 20th century, most fraternities and sororities excluded African American students. The movement to create organizations for African American students began in 1906 with the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity at Cornell University. Two years later, the first sorority for African American women, Alpha Kappa Alpha, was established at Howard University. Members of African American Greek-letter organizations sought to help other black students develop to the... ...e so they have what we have to say. Back then it was a way of saying their pain so they wouldn’t get in trouble. They couldn’t’ say anything negative so it was a kind of a code that they had used(† In conclusion sororities like other groups have communication which is important for them to survive. Throught communication sororities are able to continue the legacy and reaffirm the goals set forth by their founders, as well as help the organization to grow. In this paper I have talked about sororities history of how they started and also the things that they do as forms of communication in order to survive in the group. "Fraternities and Sororities," Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2004  © 1997-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Values and Organizations. Chicago: Rand Mcnally & Company, 1965. 92-93. Top of Form 3 Bottom of Form 3 Top of Form 4 Bottom of Form 4

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jared Loughner

Jared Loughner. On January 8, 2011 U. S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot along with eighteen other people at a public meeting in a grocery store parking lot near Tucson Arizona. Six of the eighteen people shot that day died. This included Arizona District Court Chief Judge John Roll and nine-year-old Christina-Taylor Green. Gifford was Holding a meeting called â€Å"Congress on Your Corner† in a Safeway store when she was shot through the head at point blank range. 22-year old Jared Loughner, a tucson man, was arrested at the scene.Federal prosecutors filed five charges against him, including the attempted assassination of a member of Congress and the assassination of a federal judge. Even though Loughner had a history of drug possession charges and had been suspended by his college for disruptive behavior, the motive for the shooting remains unclear. Invoking his right to remain silent , Loughner did not cooperate with authorities. Jared was found to be Incompetent to stand trial based on medical evaluations by a judge. As a young man in high school Loughner seemed ordinary enough.Occasionally he seemed withdrawn, as a normal teen would be, and a bit nerdy. Loughner loved music and played the saxophone well. Sometime around after Loughner dropped out of Mountain View High School, he didn't seem the same. He began drinking and using drugs including pot and hallucinogens like acid. Neighbors said that Loughner was not hostile toward anyone but he certainly did not warm up to anyone either. He didn't care what others thought of him. He had his own opinions and out looks on things and wasn't afraid to share them.Loughner's friends started noticed a change happening. Loughner started to do strange things. For example he spent months working out so that he could join the army. Then after traveling to the military processing station he told an Army official that he smoked marijuana excessively. Later Loughner passed a drug test, which meant he had n ot been smoking for at least a couple of weeks. After the Army incident Loughner's behavior became more erratic. He started having run-ins with Police for drug possession and alcohol and vandalizing street signs.Loughner started to think that the Government was trying to control him and everyone else in the US. He lost his job at quiznos and an animal shelter because he refused to follow instructions. When classes at Pima Community College began, fellow students were frightened by Loughner's behavior. â€Å"He had this hysterical kind of laugh, laughing to himself,† says Benjamin McGahee, his math professor. McGahee says that Loughner would say nonsensical things about â€Å"denying math. † One student in the back of McGahee's classroom said she was scared for her life, literally.By now Loughner was clearly developing a mental illness. Many signs suggest he had delusional disorder or schizophrenia. The average age of onset for both illnesses is roughly 20, about when L oughner started showing these symptoms. Loughner Became obsessed with lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a dream state you can enter when you're half asleep where you are aware that you're dreaming. Loughner used drugs to keep him from falling into deep sleep which then encourage lucid dreaming.Last year the European Science Foundation reported that lucid dreaming creates distinct patterns of electrical activity in the brain that have similarities to the patterns made by psychotic conditions. Paranoid delusions can happen when lucid dermas are played over and over again when the person awakes. According to his friend Bryce Tierney, Loughner was replaying his lucid dreams in a dream journal. Loughner is being treated at a Missouri prison facility here he has been forcible medicated for about seven months in a bid to try to make him mentally fit to stand trial.Loughner has pleaded not guilty to 49 charges from the Shooting in Tucson. Loughner has not been able to stand trill because U. S. District Judge Larry Burns has ruled that he is not mentally fit to stand trial since experts have concluded that Loughner suffers from schizophrenia. JUdge Burns says that Loughner will eventually be ready for trial after he receives more treatment . Loughner's current stay is set to the end June 7th. Even though it is said that Loughner's condition is improving, His lawyers ave been fighting the governments efforts to forcible medicate him. Over the summer of 2011 the appeals court temporarily stopped Loughners forced medication, but it resumed when mental health experts concluded that Loughner's condition was worsening with out the medication. Since his arrest Loughner has shown bizarre behavior. He was forcibly removed from a May 25 Court hearing when Loughner lowered his head inches from the court room table then lifted his head and began a loud, angry rant.But since he has been forcibly medicated his mental condition has improved. Loughner has sat still and expressionless for seven hours in a hearing in September . But the problem is weather a mentally ill person who is considered very dangerous should be medicated. Prosecutes say the decisions is for officials to make but Loughner's lawyers say its up to the judge. So far prison officials have decided to medicate Loughner. His lawyers say that forcibly medication Loughner is violating his due-process rights.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Riastarthae essays

Riastarthae essays Early Irish war culture, animal symbolism, and mating Then his riastarthae came upon him. You would have thought that every hair was being driven into his head. You would have thought that a spark of fire was on every hair. He closed one eye until it was no wider than the eye of a needle; he opened the other until it was as big as a wooden bowl. He barred his teeth from jaw to ear, and he opened his mouth until the gullet was visible. The warriors moon rose from his head. This excerpt, from The Boyhood Deeds of C Chulaind, describes C Chulainds war spasm/war anger (riastarthae) which is a perfect example of a mythic Celtic warrior. Many (if not all) of the early Irish myths and sagas revolve around a warrior culture theme. Celtic warriors were often from the middle/upper class and being a warrior meant being heroic. The Celtic warrior culture lived for war; everything had to be larger than life. Ritual was a large part of life and boasting of victories was on the top of the list. Fighting amongst warriors was an important part of life and many warriors were reckless due to their glorification of bravery. The Celtic warriors were known by sight and description by their dress and chariot. Many warriors used little armor and often opted to fight naked. Swords were as long as 2.5 meters and large oval shields were used as the only source of protection. The Celtic warrior was a head hunter. After a battle the severed head would be displayed within their temple, and sometimes submerged in a vat of wine. Animal symbolism can be related to the warrior culture. Flocks of birds are sometimes seen flying above a warrior and charioteer. The birds represent a warriors prowess by method of capture, prophetic knowledge, bloodshed, and skill. The chariot is pulled by two horses which are vibrantly described in stories. The horses represent fertility, prosperity, and ...