Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Is There Life After Baby? Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

Is There Life After Baby? During the last few years, my life consisted of frequent outings to movie theatres, days spent fishing, Saturday night dancing, fine dining, and many other activities. On July 18th, 2004, my son, Andrew Martin, was born. He is the first child born to my wife and myself. Moments after his birth, I became very aware that my life was about to change significantly, just as many people had informed me during my wife's pregnancy. In the five and a half short weeks he has been on this planet, it has become keenly aware to me that many changes are to come, some good, some great, and some bad. Virtually each and every week during my wife's pregnancy, at least one person told me how much my life was about to change. This was not a complete shock to me, as I did have some idea that my life would be different once my child came. The extent to which it has changed and will change, however, have been a bit of a surprise. My wife and I were married on April 25, 1998. Prior to our meeting, I frequented WPLJ's dance club in Walnut Creek almost every Friday and Saturday night. That is where I met her. On Saturday and/or Sunday afternoons, I could almost always be found viewing a first run movie in either the Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Concord, or Berkeley areas. If not at the movies on Saturday, I was quite often reeling in a fish at Lafayette Reservoir. Approximately two meals a day were purchased at a restaurant or fast food facility. Marriage did not have a significant change on any of these favorite activities of mine, the only exception being that the number of meals purchas ed outside of the home decreased to about five times a week. My son Andrew is six weeks old today. He has changed the lives of my wif... ...him up to tend to his needs.. He even has his own people who come to see him or who call to ask about him, such as Grandma Loretta or Uncle Carlos. My wife and myself were never this popular! You can be told many things about parenthood by many people, you can read numerous books about raising a child, you can even baby-sit another's child, but until you've had your own child, you have no idea of what you are in store for. My son has completely disrupted my life. He has turned it upside down. Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way! He is a complete joy. Every time I pick him up and hold him or look into his beautiful blue eyes, I know that I am going to love him till the day I die. I look forward to his three siblings that my wife and I plan on having. Most parents would agree with me: a child leads to a lot of sacrifices and is a lot of work, but well worth it!

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