Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Cox Surname Meaning and Origin

There are several possible origins or meanings for the last name Cox. Options include: Form of COCK (little), a term of endearment (i.e. WILLCOX, little Will), often used to denote a leader or chief man.Possibly originated from the Welsh word coch, meaning red.Cox could also be a locality descriptive surname for heap, haycock, or hillcock. Last Name Statistics Old and common last names are often difficult to define, research, or trace. Cox is the 78th most popular surname in the United States. Cox is also popular in England, coming in as the 52nd most common surname. Origin: English, French, Welsh, and/or IrishAlternate Spellings: Cocks Genealogy Resources Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the Cox surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Cox query.RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Cox surname.FamilySearch hosts records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Cox surname and its variations. Resources and Further Reading Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004.Cottle, Basil. The Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Penguin, 1967.Hanks, Patrick, and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University, 1989.Hanks, Patrick, editor. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University, 2003.Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German-Jewish Surnames. Bilingual ed., Avotaynu, 2005.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical, 1997.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Remaining Problems of Sexism and Discrimination - 1756 Words

Throughout history we have made great strides towards gender equality but problems with sexism and discrimination still remain. In America, many people assumed that men and women were biologically different and should have different responsibilities. When the agriculture time was in effect, the women would have different jobs from the men. For an example, the men worked and brought home the essentials, and the women would stay at home, complete house duties and watch the children. These social constraints and guides become moral obligations to obey (Allen, p.199). According to Durkheim, â€Å"a group is moral if its behaviors, beliefs, feelings, speech, and styles, are controlled by strong group norms and viewed in terms as right or wrong† (Allen, p.131). This was the behavior that was supported by many people. It was a social fact and not argued to be changed. According the Durkheim, social facts are sui generis (Allen, p.199). Social facts are ways of acting and thinking, th ey embrace beliefs, practices, which eventually crystallize and limit the possible forms of individuals actions and forms of consciousness (Allen, p.199). As time went on and capitalism arose, societies advanced, money became more important. This led many women out of the house role and into the work force. The solidarity changed due to the division of labor. Division of labor is â€Å"a stable organization of tasks and roles that coordinate the behavior of individuals or groups that carry out different butShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics of Genetically Enhancing Children Essays1633 Words   |  7 Pagesgender discrimination. At first, Savulescu’s Procreative Beneficence seems ethical. It reflects the values of a parent wanting the best for the child and also actively seeking out information to make a good decision rather than remaining willfully ignorant in the advent of new technology. In addition, well-being in human society is boosted. However, Savulescu has packaged sex selection into his very broad argument and made serious oversights. In a society without gender discrimination, selectingRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles1389 Words   |  6 Pagesstereotypes, or oversimplified notions about the attitudes, traits, and behavior patterns of males and females. Gender stereotypes form the basis of sexism, or the prejudiced beliefs that value males over females. Common forms of sexism in modern society include gender-role expectations, such as expecting women to be the caretakers of the household. Sexism also includes people’s expectations of how members of a gender group should behave. For example, women are expected to be friendly, passive, and nurturing;Read MoreThe Problem of Gender Discrimination1097 Words   |  4 PagesISSUES Gender discrimination is a problem which has been shed light on since a very long time but is still prevalent globally. 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Common forms of sexism in today’s society include gender-role expectations, such as expecting women to be the caretakers of the household. Sexism also includes of how a members of a gender group should behave. For example, women are expected to be friendly, nurturing and passive; when a womanRead MoreSexism : Women And Women2525 Words   |  11 PagesSexism has retained its grip on the contemporary woman and man as with a force similar to those of the yesteryear. Its must be taken into consideration how much we have progressed as a society in regards to sexism. Prior to the 1970s women were perceived as wives and mothers. The second wave of feminism hit around this time which led to legislative change to reflect the societal values that were being born. With writes in this era like Anne Summers helping define the Australian woman’s place in society

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Gems, Jewelry and Diamonds Free Essays

The history says that India is known for the birthplace for the one of the strongest metals i.e.Diamonds. We will write a custom essay sample on Gems, Jewelry and Diamonds or any similar topic only for you Order Now Initially diamonds were only mined in India and were exported around the globe and were used as a medium of exchange for the commodities until the people knew its actual worth and how much materialist things that they can buy from it. Currently, India produces 33000 carats of rough diamond and more than 800 million of rough and polished cut diamonds. Few of the Major hubs and producers of diamonds in India.Surat is known for largest market of manufacturing of diamonds in India.Mumbai is known for the wholesaler’s market and where most of the trading takes place at BKC.Delhi is known for its silver jewelry and its manufacturing. There are many other states like Jaipur, Kolkata, Trichur where we can find the precious metals, synthetic diamond and light weighted jewelry respectively around the states in India. Indian Gems, Jewelry and Diamond IndustryOver the years India has been the greatest manufacturing of cut and polished diamond. The sector contributes to around 16% of the export of the country and 93% around the globe. To add more to it Gems and Jewelry has become the second largest industry in earning foreign currency and Gujarat is one of the largest manufacturers of diamonds around the globe. The Diamond Jewelry market has acquired the growth rate of 6% in India and the size of the industry is approximately Rs.6000 crore. Indian has been successful in achieving these goals in cutting and polishing business is all because of the competitive price and ready to work at a low margin. Moreover, India has developed a specialized skill in polishing large and magnificent stones with fancy cuts which again increase the chances of success. Not only this this but most of the small-scale business have introduced high end machinery from which now they can get the best product from a raw or a polish diamond. The Gold demand that the Indian market has rose from 9.13 % to 726.9 tones in 2017. As per the recent records it suggested that India has imported approximately $29 billion during the previous year. To Conclude, India has grown to become such a successful market that countries and companies are now insisting their diamonds to be manufactured in India.Industry Structure in IndiaGems ; JewelryDiamond Jewelry Precious StoneCut ; Polished Gold PearlRough Precious Metal Color Gem Stone Costume/ Fashion Synthetic Stone Market Segment The diamond market has three segments:1. Industrial Diamond: Under this there are all the natural and synthetic diamonds that are manufactured in the industry. It comprises of 25% of the total. Jewelry Diamond: All the assembled products such as the ready-made jewelry and gemstones are categorized under this section. It comprises of 15% of the total.3. Investment Diamond: it comprises of both the rough stones which are very expensive. It comprises of 60% of the total. Market Overview Every year 124 million carats of rough diamonds are being mined by Alrosa, BHP Billiton, De Beers, etc. The market value of these diamond is around $15 billion. Moreover, there has been a significant improvement in the growth by 31%.India has considered to be the largest exporter in gems and jewelry and to our knowledge the industry has played a very important role in Indian economy as it contributes a large part in the foreign reserves of the country. Other then, India, USA, Russia, China, Belgium, Hong Kong are few of the world’s biggest dealers in the diamonds.Export of Gems and Jewelry IndustryIf we see analysis the data we can see that, the net export of the industries gems and jewelry has shown rise of 7.06 % in the annual growth rate. During the previous year the overall net exports were $35.51 billion and has reduced slightly in the current and will surely rise. Notes: * – Data from April-February 2018, CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate till FY 2017.Source: GJEPC, Media sources.Import of Gems and JewelryIndia is also of the largest importer of gems and jewelry as well. If we see in the figures the India’s total rose from $11.63 billion to $42.72 billion from the years 2005 to 2012 respectively and since then it has shown a gradual set back during the next year. Again, the market has also gained strength after the fall from $42.72 million to $24 million and now covering back by $28.78 million during the previous years. Notes: * – Data from April-February 2018, CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate till FY 2017.  Source: GJEPC  Government Incentives and Strategies Developed by CompaniesThe Government has introduced the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras which will help create skill and provide labor. Moreover, it will provide vocational training to the engaged peoples who are getting training in it. The Make in India initiative will boost the exports and it will provide critical regulatory framework for the proposal Special Notified Zone(SNZs). However, it will also benefit the small-scale businesses (SMEs) that are involved with the industry. The government has proposed to cut down the tax to 25% for the micro and small-scale enterprises which was announced in the recent Union Budget. The government has permitted 100% FDI. After the booming of the ecommerce, many companies have started selling their jewelry online. Not only this but, many companies have tied up with the Amazon to sell their product online at discount. Companies also have provided buy-back option to the customer if they dislike the product but I think there are still terms and conditions to be stringent so that it will ease the procedure.Few of the Key Players in the Indian market are Tanishq, Malabar Gold ; Diamond, Gitanjali, Nirav Modi, PCJ, TBZ, Kalyan, Venus Jewels. How to cite Gems, Jewelry and Diamonds, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Marketing Myopia Summary Essay Example For Students

Marketing Myopia Summary Essay MARKETING MYOPIA: Theodore Levit The first thing that Theodore Levit does in his article â€Å"marketing myopia† is denying the title of forever growth industry to any industry that ever existed and claimed to be so. He believes every industry has been a growth industry at some point of time, but they could not carry the tag along because of several reasons; and none of the reasons being saturation in market. Industries failed to continue their growth because of lack of proper management. They did not realize the need of expanding into sectors adjacent to which they are already working. E. g. railways limited themselves to rail transports and did not cover the other modes of transportation. There are many other such examples listed by Levit in his article. The major mistake of these industries was being product oriented, where they should have been customer oriented. To keep the growth wagon rolling, they were required to modify their services in accordance with the market nee ds. Levit was able to put the reasons of stagnation of ‘growth industry’ in a cycle, which he termed as self deceiving cycle:- 1. Population Myth: rise in population does not necessarily mean rise in the demand of what a particular industry is offering. Sometimes some other product may take over in demand because of unknown reasons. e. g. – petroleum industry made a wise decision by not sticking to the petrol products. They rather expanded to complete crude oil products to save themselves from the descent. 2. Idea of indispensability: the belief that there is no competitive substitute to the industry’s major product would be a huge mistake by the management. Here too, Levit carries forward the example of petroleum industry. The industry had to shift focus several times because of inventions that did not even come from the same industry. Kerosene in lamps was left behind with the invention of electric bulbs, heating system was snatched away by the coal industry and the automobile industry went out of hands because of the invention of internal combustion engines. 3. Focus on mass production: industry under the pressure to retain their growth starts focusing on mass production of their products. But little-do-they-know, this process shifts their focus from marketing to selling. The finished goods become difficult to get rid of. By leaving behind the marketing domain, the industry finds it difficult to anticipate how the customer demands have changed. E. g. Detroit followed the trend of mass production in automobile industry, but in the process left behind the need to take customers along. Thus, it lost business to small scale car manufacturers Theodore also takes the example of Henry Ford, who he believes was a marketing genius rather than production genius. Levit refers assembly line as a marketing exercise, as Ford realized that he could sell million cars with the cost cutting outcome. 4. Inclination towards Research: The industries engaged with heavy technical research (like electronics) live under the illusion that their latest in market will sell itself. There are many possible reasons for this belief – bias towards the complex products over its marketing; scientists tend to take customers as stupid and don’t care for their needs. Even when the companies focus on marketing, they are more concerned about the ads and promotions of the products rather than finding about the needs of the customers that they are trying to woo. CASE STUDY SECTOR: Education INDUSTRY: Coaching Institutes Preface: Recently, a boom has been seen in the education sector, in the industry of providing coaching for various entrance exams. The concept as a big hit right from the point of its inception. Within a couple years, the industry made its presence almost everywhere and made great profits on the way of its growth. In the current scenario, the profits made by this industry are still huge, but the growth seems to have slowed down. Innovation of methodology of teaching is focused, but nowhere else. Myopic Vision: The coaching institutes have faile d to understand the fact that they are losing customers not only because of other institutes, but also because of the self help books and journals that provide the students all what they demand from an institute. .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 , .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 .postImageUrl , .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 , .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46:hover , .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46:visited , .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46:active { border:0!important; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46:active , .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46 .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u709a757628e2d80491ec85c95d633b46:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How an Elephant Made a Poor Boy King EssayThus, the competition comes from the publication house industry as well. Analysis of Situation: A lot of students opt out of enrolling to coaching institutes because they feel that self help books available in the market are more than enough for the preparations. Instead of spending thousands of rupees on coaching fees, they prefer to spend a couple hundred on books that have elaborate discussions for better understanding. It has been observed that apart from impressive faculty an institute needs to have a few more things to stay in competition with the rest institutes: To provide the material to the students, coaching institutes h ave been printing the books and other sheets themselves. This means, that the institutes have all machinery as well as infrastructure of a printing press. †¢ The books are being delivered across the city, sometimes country, to reach all its centers; this proves that they have a well managed logistics department too. †¢ To keep a check on the course material, the institutes maintains a staff, although small, for the content development. The point being made is, institutes have all the basic requisites of a publishing house, and still they never make a move to move into the publishing sector too. With a little more push they can easily publish their own books starting with the â€Å"self help† category. On a later level, authors can be hired to develop content for their other categories like fiction, research etc. This way the needs of a customer for self help books and more are fulfilled as well. Submitted By:- ANUJAY MATHUR 2010SMF6576