Sunday, December 22, 2019

Remaining Problems of Sexism and Discrimination - 1756 Words

Throughout history we have made great strides towards gender equality but problems with sexism and discrimination still remain. In America, many people assumed that men and women were biologically different and should have different responsibilities. When the agriculture time was in effect, the women would have different jobs from the men. For an example, the men worked and brought home the essentials, and the women would stay at home, complete house duties and watch the children. These social constraints and guides become moral obligations to obey (Allen, p.199). According to Durkheim, â€Å"a group is moral if its behaviors, beliefs, feelings, speech, and styles, are controlled by strong group norms and viewed in terms as right or wrong† (Allen, p.131). This was the behavior that was supported by many people. It was a social fact and not argued to be changed. According the Durkheim, social facts are sui generis (Allen, p.199). Social facts are ways of acting and thinking, th ey embrace beliefs, practices, which eventually crystallize and limit the possible forms of individuals actions and forms of consciousness (Allen, p.199). As time went on and capitalism arose, societies advanced, money became more important. This led many women out of the house role and into the work force. The solidarity changed due to the division of labor. Division of labor is â€Å"a stable organization of tasks and roles that coordinate the behavior of individuals or groups that carry out different butShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics of Genetically Enhancing Children Essays1633 Words   |  7 Pagesgender discrimination. At first, Savulescu’s Procreative Beneficence seems ethical. It reflects the values of a parent wanting the best for the child and also actively seeking out information to make a good decision rather than remaining willfully ignorant in the advent of new technology. In addition, well-being in human society is boosted. 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