Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Should Drugs be Legalized - 1187 Words

Drug laws apply on state and federal levels. In federal circumstances, â€Å"convictions are from drug trafficking† and in the states, it’s for â€Å"drug possession.† The federal punishments are longer sentences and harsher punishment while the states place the arrestee is charged with misdemeanor and is put on probation, short jail term, or a fine. However, in court, if the criminal pleads guilty, they keep a clean criminal record and take a prescribed substance abuse program†¦vacated†¦and [18 months later] the accused can claim to never have been arrested or convicted of a crime. This is a law, or more of a procedure that should change. If a person has committed the act in having some relation to drug usage and adheres to it, their record should provide that information for later use in other drug cases. The main controversy between legalizing drugs is that one side believes it benefits humans bodily and materialistically, but it conflicts with the immense side effects that are dangerous to society and the human mind. Police also must abide by the fourth amendment of no illegal search and seizure, but those against legalization believe that under circumstance that since drugs such as marijuana â€Å"has no medical use and does more harm to the body† The legalization of drugs in the United States would benefit society. The three areas of society that would most likely benefit from the legalization of drugs are the economy, law enforcement, and the reduction ofShow MoreRelatedShould Drugs be Legalized?1007 Words   |  4 PagesShould all drugs be legalized? Suppose that someone has some life threatening illness and suppose that a drug that has not yet been approved by the FDA can cure this illness. Should he have to die just because some government bureaucrat tells him that he cannot have this drug? There are millions of AIDS patients in similar tragedy. The two most harmful and dangerous substances are alcohol and tobacco. Yet, they are legal, only because they are popular. Marianne Apostolides of the pro-legalizationRead MoreShould Drugs Be Legalized? Essay1203 Words   |  5 Pageslegalization of drugs is among the most polarizing issues faced by the US government today. The increase in organized crime related to drug trafficking has forced authorities to reevaluate their stance on their lega lization issue, and yet there are those in the civil society that oppose such legalization vehemently. Though there is evidence that many of the banned and scheduled substances can be attributed to a range of health benefits and treatment of diseases, the American experience with drugs has beenRead MoreShould Drugs Be Legalized?1005 Words   |  5 Pages Drugs are upon the most controversial topics in the world, they are known for many reasons for bringing evil among the communities. They affect lower class families who struggle to make living in the world. The drug trade industry has lead politicians to corruption, because it makes them have more power. Drugs have made a huge impact in today’s society, although people will argue and agree that drugs can make the world a better place if they were just to be legalized. If drugs were to be legalizedRead MoreShould Drug Be Legalized?1358 Words   |  6 PagesShould Drugs Be Legalized? Drugs are actually kind of brilliant products as they bring a lot of advantages to our society especially in medical area except when someone misuses them. Because of these abuses, certain drugs have been designated as illegal articles in lots of countries across the globe. Thus, we can see that in these recent decades, our society has involved in holy drug wars with the aim to strike against this disastrous drug abuses trend. However, a new phenomenon occurs when someRead MoreDrugs Should Be Legalized?1934 Words   |  8 PagesIt seems that drugs should be legalized because, â€Å"the existing evidence suggests that net costs for drugs are higher under probation-substantially higher in some cases† (Miron, 839). Miron is proposing that prohibition leads to significantly high prices for drugs which creates incentives for suppliers to develop a black market and make enormous profits. By legalizing drugs, he argues that the price will be driven down so that the black market will be eliminated because the profits will not beRead MoreShould Drugs Be Legalized?1801 Words   |  8 PagesShould Drugs Be Legalized? What can be considered by far the most terrible evil, exciting an increasing number of very young people who cannot in consequence of the normal full life? Evil, which first brings joy, then life turns into a nightmare? Evil that breaks the health and life of the person obeyed it, all his family and friends? Evil, which spreads very quickly, while hitting not only the body but also the soul of person? Some people want to earn money from this evil, others - are trying toRead MoreShould Drugs Be Legalized?1239 Words   |  5 Pages80-90% of all inmates are incarcerated due to drug related crime or robbery to help pay for their drugs that they owe money on. For these inmates dealing with drugs is something very normal in their lives. Drugs being involved in prisons is also something that is very similar to the world. Prison guards find an inmate trying to smuggle in drugs at least once a week. As seen on Orange is the New Black in many episodes in season 2 and 3 the inmates smuggled in tobacco for cigarettes and Nicky got inRead MoreHard Drugs Should Not be Legalized937 Words   |  4 PagesKurt Cobain once expressed the idea that, â€Å"drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self-esteem†. The issue of drugs has always been a very controversial issue, the debate on whether or not all abusive substances should be legalized. There are many sides to this argument and in the United States this issue draws two types of people to the debate: those for the legalization of hard drugs and those against it. Ever since our earliestRead MoreShould Drugs Be Legalized?2054 Words   |  9 Pages â€Å"Drug misuse refers to the use of a drug for purposes for which it was not intended or using a drug in excessive quantities† (Powell, 2011). It is a widely discussed topic in contemporary society. The argument as to whether drugs should be legalised has been ongoing for many decades. Legalisation and regulation of some illicit drugs are now on the agenda. Statistics have shown that in 2014-2015, around 1 in 12 (8.6%) adults aged 16 to 59 had taken an illicit drug (Home Office, 2015). Illicit drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Drugs Be Legalized?932 Words   |  4 PagesThe subject of drugs has certainly been an issue that has been widely discussed. Over the years, it has always boiled down to whether all drugs should be legalized or not. While the United States has been arguing over the topic of for many years, countries, such as Portugal, have taken an alternative and very unique way to fight the war on drugs. In 2001, the Portuguese government decided to flip its war on dru gs strategy entirely: It decriminalized them all (Aleem). At first, this strategy was greatly

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