Saturday, February 1, 2020

The reassessment of security issues and their impacts on Adventure Essay

The reassessment of security issues and their impacts on Adventure Works business processes - Essay Example In order to promote business on the web requires certain security measures and a fail / safe network environment. After reviewing, the factors that may disrupt organization services are identified below: No Security Policy Defined No Protection of critical Assets on the network No proper data backup policy Moreover, some critical issues or weaknesses that may influence an organization’s business operations need to be addressed on an urgent basis. The top rated issues are: {Security Issue No 1}: No data backup policy defined {Security Issue No 2}: No Disaster recovery plan defined {Security Issue No 3}: No Support for Server requiring 100% uptime {Security Issue No 4}: No IP surveillance for critical server {Security Issue No 5}: In sufficient security for LAN It is vital for Adventure Works to overcome these issues as soon as possible, as these vulnerabilities will directly affect the business operations of the organization. Creating Security Policy As there is no security pol icy defined currently for Adventure Works, the new security policy will illustrate the implementation procedures of security controls that are identified by analyzing the current network and business practices. {Security Issue No 1}: As the organization is maintaining Entity Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management Server that are considered as core servers may face loss of data or server crash that may result in halting the services. Adventure Works is dependent on these servers, as these servers process most of the paperless work, creating a backup on a regular basis is essential. Recommendation: In order to incorporate a mirror of these servers, disk-mirroring techniques using RAID is recommended. As RAID will synchronize the data on two servers simultaneously, if any one of the server stops responding, the other service will be triggered to ‘primary operation’ mode. {Security Issue No 2}: As one of the branches of Adventure Works is in Mexico, there is a possibility of an earthquake. The impact of earthquake may create disrupt the overall operation of an organization’s network, as well as loss of data. Recommendation: Relocating the instance of critical server data on a different location may be a better choice. In that case, if an earthquake affects Adventure Works network seriously, the data can be extracted from the second location. {Security Issue No 3}: As the core servers of Adventure Works are CRM and ERP, there is a requirement of making their availability 24/7. Moreover, an alternate connectivity is also required that may make them operational if the primary network access is not available due to some issues in a switch. Recommendation: in order to ensure stable power supply, a Power over Ethernet technology is recommended. A comprehensive definition is available in network dictionary, which states as â€Å"Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology describes any system to transmit electrical power, along with data, to remote devices over standard twisted-pair cables in an Ethernet network. This technology is useful for powering IP telephones, wireless LAN access points, webcams, Ethernet hubs, computers, and other appliances where it would be inconvenient or infeasible to supply power separately.† Moreover, the network engineer can rout a dedicated alternate network connection for making the server operational. {Security Issue

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